Why is it so important to become a metabolic Fat-Burner? 

To answer this question, we will need to compare the two metabolic modes.  Our body (our mitochondria
) can burn two types of fuel for energy: fat and sugar (glucose).

To clarify, the body doesn't completely shut off one fuel source when it turns on the other.  What we are talking about here is which fuel source you use most of the time at a greater ratio over the other.  You can test your “Respiratory Quotient” (
) to estimate how much of your energy came from carbs and how much from fat.  RQ of 1 means pure sugar burning and RQ of about .07 means pure fat burning.  You can read more about it here.  But as you will see below, there are far easier ways to tell if you are predominantly a fat or sugar burner.

Sugar burning mode - In this mode your body is mostly using glucose for its energy needs, but we can't store much of it because of the limits of
glycogen storage.  So, once the glucose is used up, we can't go long without food and get hungry easily.  Basically, in this mode we require a constant intake of carbohydrates in food, at least 3 meals per day plus snacking.  Not only do you have a poor ability to access energy from the fat you just ate, you also have little ability to burn the fat that is already on your body.   This causes you to stay in a vicious cycle of eating fat, moving it to your body and never burning it for fuel.  According to this study, a poor ability to oxidize fat for fuel is a good predictor of future weight gain.  Sure, there are some people who can eat lots of carbs and not gain much weight.  They are either genetically lucky or keep a very active life style.  But they still experience other negative benefits of sugar-burning as you will see below.

Fat burning mode - This mode allows you to easily burn the fat on your body for energy.   Instead of your cells running on glucose, they run predominantly on fat and
ketones, which are simply a byproduct of the fat metabolism.  Actually, the brain and the heart, prefer running on ketones.  Ketones are
a more efficient source of energy for them, which means they age less.

Fat burning mode has been used by humans for most of human evolution, well before the 24/7 supermarkets and fast-food joints could provide us the unlimited amount of tasty carbohydrates to drive our sugar-burning engine.  Fat is the preferred fuel of the human metabolism.  Our survival as a spices depended on it.  Given the small amount of carbohydrates we could be eating before the invention of cooking, we had to rely on a fat-burning metabolism.  In addition, without fat-burning abilities we couldn't survive the famine, because we can't store much sugar but have virtually an unlimited capacity to store fat.  Our liver can store about
100 grams of glycogen and our muscles on average another 400 grams.  Compare this to many pounds of fat even on a relatively lean person.  This ability to burn fat is the reason we haven't developed bigger glycogen stores.   In addition, we have the ability to make glucose via

Fat has always been and always will be essential for life.  On the other hand, may groups of people not just survived, but thrived on almost zero carbohydrates diets.  Inuits (Eskimos), as one easy example, were doing great on their high-fat high-protein very low-carb diet.

The advantages of being a fat-burner
  • You will have a lot more energy throughout the day.
  • Your blood sugar will be stable and you can go much longer without food while not being hungry.
  • A fat-burner can always easily switch between fuels, the same can't be said for a sugar-burner.
  • A sugar-burner can't efficiently access body fat for fuel and instead accumulates more body fat, which produces inflammation, leads to metabolic disorder, insulin and leptin resistance.  
  • When burning fat for energy, our cellular mitochondria have to work less, because we can get more then twice the amount of energy from burning fat then from burning glucose.
  • Fat-burning produces a much smaller amount of damaging free radicals then sugar oxidation (for the same amount of energy).
  • Burning sugar accelerates your aging by producing AGES, advanced glycation end-product.
  • Burning fat while eating a low-carb diet produces ketone bodies (βOHB) that                       helps protect cells from "oxidative stress" and thus slows down aging.
The easy way to find out if you are a fat-burner is to see if you:
- don't need to snack every couple of hours
- can effortlessly skip a meal or two and still get steady supply of energy thoughout the day
- can exercise in a fasted state

It is important to avoid rancid fats.
Most vegetable oils, except palm oil, olive oil and coconut oil are high in PUFA (polyunsaturated fats). See the "Food Chart" for the detailed list. 
One of the main problems with PUFAs is that they are very unstable chemically and begin to become rancid or oxidize very easily in the presence of light or oxygen even under room temperature.  In addition, if you use these oils in cooking, you will greatly accelerate the rate of oxidation and free radical formation.



Finally, a simple owner's
manual for your body.


     Disclaimer:  We're not doctors or health care practitioners.   The statements made here are only our views      and opinions and should not be taken as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult with your doctor or
     health care provider before starting any regimen mentioned here.


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